четверг, 25 августа 2011 г.

Sanja Alexandra

The whole concept was called "trashy hoolywood" but I guess someone as gorgeous and charming as Sanja could not represent "trashy" in the way I could see it in the beggining but it turned out better than I could imagine. Props to her for surving me and Julie trying to get her to bend down in the middle of street in the center of Copenhagen. "Ass up, face down and the cigaret, do not forget the cigaret". So if you happen to see 3 girls in Nyhavn going a bit crazy - hopefully you just smiled and waved cuz it was us
thanks to Sanja Alexandra for modeling and patience ( she is an amazing singer )
to Julie Amanda Holiday for some great ideas and assistance ( who is one of the "mothers" of Wanted magazine )
and the last but not least to Kenneth Nguyen for his rusty but nonetheless hot fixie (well... the Kenneth Nguyen self explaining I guess)

понедельник, 8 августа 2011 г.

meet Alfie

So this is offical, my crazyness about Breakfast at Tiffany's led me to get an amazing creature called Alfrie. His previous owner got an allergy so he needed a new home, while i have been looking for a cat for a while but could not find any that I would like. I guess the reason that I got him is that my first love had two Russian Blue cats and they are still my favs. But no more words. Just meet Alfie

среда, 3 августа 2011 г.

Wanted magazine denmark

wuhu !
so this is my first time ( hopefully not the last ) to be featured in a magazine so I have been waiting and dying for it to be out. So go check out my awesome slidely drunken and therefore very honest writting skills and I know the rest of the magis in danish, but since most of my visitors are from DK just read\browse through it, since it is pretty fucking amazing.

you can see the photos in my blog as well here and here