вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.

понедельник, 28 ноября 2011 г.

четверг, 24 ноября 2011 г.

so smudgy!

it is time to promote some awesome bodies ! One of the people i am really happy i met in school is - Herta. the one that is a cereal killer. Apart from that she does some pretty fucking cool designs. Like the bodies she made for another idea I had but we figured we might as well use them. 
oh and btw the model was okay.. Cecilie Nanna Severin Skude. Nah, just kidding gorgeous and fun to work party  with. Cannot wait to see you on Friday girly, hope your "how to make a tutorial" project survived the rest of the wine.

среда, 23 ноября 2011 г.

my little monster

As some of you might know, from August 2011 I officially turned into a not-so-old-cat-lady. Cannot help it though, my little monster has me completely whipped across his tale. I wake up at 03.00 in the morning if he demands to play (someone else try to wake me up, just try, you ll learn 3 pro-swearing-languages in no time), i clean up the whole entire kitchen after he decided that a piece of liver is much better playing material, rather than eating one and I wash him aprox. once a week since he keeps coloring himself with make up, spilling yogurt and just generally getting into troubles. In addition he is an awesome model, how on earth can anyone resist this cutie-pie-face?! oh. probably the only "model" i do not feel like editing into black & white

понедельник, 21 ноября 2011 г.

christmas party @ Simons

I should probably upload much more photos from the party...but i believe there is one that just says it all:

the rest of the photos is at Simons album on fb


Recently I stopped working at the job which I hated with such passion, I actually managed to get an allergic reaction to the perfume that has been a big part of it. In those two (three?) hours were I was officially unemployed I got a new and much more exciting offer - to be a "chief" (BOSS) photographer at a new project launched by W20 media. Frankly, I think this is something every young/beginner photographer dreams about to be actually employed as a photographer. So from now on it is official - I am making living out of something I love as much as I hate AnF perfume. Wuhu. Hurra whatelse.dk
obviously - check out whatelse.dk, though it is only for Copenhagen based people
some photos are available online on - blog.whatelse.dk

понедельник, 14 ноября 2011 г.

Copenhagen is spooky

Copenhagen is an interesting city, all candy like in day and pretty fucking scary on full moon nights. Do you think Stephen King could use some new book cover photos?